Well, thanks for keep in touch with me and now it’s time for blogging, yeaaahhh!!

Have you ever felt someday God is not fair with you, that God didn’t make your dreams come true? or have you ever felt so disappointed with all you got and desperate with your life? but, besides that worst things, have you ever thought about God’s miracle? that what you get now, good or bad things, God always gives the answers- call it miracles, in the right time that we have to search. Why God puts me in this case?

Well, I’m thinking about that right now. I used to be so sad, desperate, and angry with my self. Something like “What a stupid girl I am!” or “How could it be? So, it’s just wasting time of my striving so far?” even “Having high dreams is just a bullshit!” and the other dirty words of mocking my self even a little bit angry to My God. (oh, I’m so guilty)

When I had to face that I was not accepted as a college student of Gadjah Mada University- indeed I was accepted in English Language and Literature not at Accounting major as my dream before, I burn up my self with those dirty words. I was under pressure then, dropped tears all the time, and getting confusion all over my head. Because at that time I have to decide to be a Gadjah Mada University student in English Language and Literature or to be a Diponegoro University student in Accounting major in only 5 days- at the same time, I accepted in both top Indonesian universities, alhamdulillah :)

Besides all the confusion, I really thanks to God to give me this opportunity to achieve my dream. Being accepted as Gadjah Mada University student and being accepted in Accounting major- although in the different places. Finally, I decided to be a Diponegoro University student with so many thoughts and reasons.

So, what the point is..
At the beginning, I was so bored and didn’t feel so proud of being a Diponegoro University student anymore. I’ll try to be serious and responsible about my decision. But it’s so difficult to me. One day, I felt that God slowly but sure shows me the answer of “Why I better study at Diponegoro University than at Gadjah Mada University?”

Unluckily, I got the answer not in the class when I’m studying and listening to the lecturer. But I found it outside of my study, that not only being a part at my university but also being a part of world organization. The answer is AIESEC.

Why AIESEC? Hmm.. Actually I don’t know what AIESEC truly stands for, but as I know, AIESEC is the biggest youth world organization that concern in developing of leadership skill and this is so different with other organizations. The most important one is, I can’t find it if I study at Gadjah Mada University. Yeah because Local Committee AIESEC is only at Indonesia University, Diponegoro University, Brawijaya University, Andalas University, Bandung, and Surabaya. And I am the lucky one who recruited as an AIESEC’er (title for AIESEC member) this year, as a Diponegoro University student :)

Knowing all the advantages of being an AIESEC’er, I feel so “Oh God, thanks for putting me at Diponegoro University that I will never get if I study at Gadjah Mada University” So from this case, I learn so many things:

1. God gives so many ways and opportunities for us to achieve our dreams eventhough sometimes what the things happen not the same like what we’re dreaming before.

2. God always gives the best answers and miracles at the best time of our life from the question why we are given problems.

3. Never stop work hard and thank to God will make our life goes easily.

But, I think this is not the answers at all, this is only the beginning of God’s miracles, this is the beginning of my next-level-truly-life. That I have to go ahead with my life, compete with people, be responsible with my decision, and do my best with all the opportunities that God had given to me. God never sleeps and always shows us the best way. I believe that every step in our life, God always shows His miracle in the right time and in the right place. So, be sure that God always gives His hand to help us reaching our dreams :)


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